... Hmmm... I forgot the proper way to start a blog entry. Do you adress it like you are writing a letter to someone, or do you simply just start writing?
The reason I ask is I want to make sure I captivate you as my audience. If I bore you more than needed, then you probably won't ever read my blog again. However, if I come off as popmpous and arrogant, you probably won't ever read my blog again.
Now that I've got your attention, we can begin.
Nothing overly exciting has happned in the recent months, other than I got a new job! I work for Soreson Communications as Tri-Lingual VRS(Video Relay Service) Educator. Basically what I do is I take referrals of family members, friends, or buissness that the deaf customer would like us to contact and inform them about the relay service, and how they, as hearing clients, can use it to contact their deaf friend/family member/customer etc
I've worked for Soreson for about a month now, but already I have had some funny calls. Some people just can't grasp the concept of a video phone, or what the point of the relay service is. A co-worker of mine recently called someone, asking if he/she knew the deaf client. The answer from the caller was "No, I am only 23 years old." Needless to say out dept. got a good laugh out of it.
I have done some more exciting stuff than that, but I don't know how to make it sound exciting so for now I will bid you adieu.