Thursday, March 8, 2012

Forever Old

I'm just wondering if someone could please describe "agelessness" for me. Anytime I hear the word "ageless" it conjures up horrid images of those damn prepubescent vampire movies and tv shows. They really need to round up all these terrible forms of vampire related media like they rounded up all those slave children in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and keep the ideas from escaping like the aforementioned children did.

My point: Agelessness is all fine and dandy if you are immortalized at time when you aren't completely insane. To me high school just isn't that time. However if you miss the boat you can end up looking like this.

I'm not going to deny that Mr. Stewart( no relation to Martha) is tremendous actor, but I'm nearly positive he's looked old since his mid-twenties. If agelessness means a choice between looking like on vampire-obsessed, overly moody teenager, or looking like senior citizen, I choose death.

Who is with me?

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